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Glass Menagerie Epiphany

Now I get it.

I used to do this monologue at the end of Glass Menagerie he talks about "time is the farthest distance between two places." I kind of got it, but I didn't truly understand it until now while I'm 3000 miles from loved ones. But that isn't far. That's 2 days travel. Its the 6 months left to go which is hard to get to. There's no jet that can break the speed of time. I miss you all as I go through this experience. But a poet also said, "distance makes the heart grow fonder." I miss you all on this rainy day.

That's all I wanted to say with this one.

Posted by bricker119 00:10

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Dude, you're turning into a regular Taiwanese Confucious over there! Deep Thoughts by Brick Handey.

I can't wait to see you when you return, man. Hang in there and don't you dare think about pulling a "Sullivan".

by Luke_H

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